What Does a Stroke Feel Like? – Part 1

“Babe wake up, the baby has been up since 6 AM and I’m starving”, muttered my wife. To be honest with ya’ll, at that very moment I felt like I was one with our bed. Like how most girls feel when they binge-watch Grey’s Anatomy. Fortunately for me, I was and still am a smart enough husband to know that the wife only asks nicely once. Little did I know her words would eventually be part of the reason I am still alive today.

The night before I stayed up late (2 AM to be exact) editing a video I was preparing to publish on Monday. I have a strong passion for creating content and a good friend always reminds me that “done, is better than perfect”. Let that marinate for a second if you didn’t understand. Same reason why I created this blog so quickly.

At this point, it was roughly 9:30 AM and I headed downstairs carrying my son looking like a zombie straight out of the walking dead TV series. My clever wife had tricked me into getting up by telling me it was noon and I totally fell for it. Lucky for me I decided to prepare a simple meal that morning (waffles & coffee), which I don’t think we even started or finished. “Mariana, your breakfast is almost ready!”, I remember yelling upstairs not knowing an epic $#!+ show was about to commence.

My son Mario had been strategically placed on his swing by the window for his daily dose of vitamin D and my wife was finally downstairs, but on my computer figuring out how to play the music she listens to every single day. I recall complaining about a faint headache on the right side of my head, yet I paid it no mind since I suffered from them frequently. I told Mariana to finish fixing her breakfast and began walking over to my living room with the intention of sitting on the couch and turning on the television. During that small walk my left side bumped into the wall by the entrance to the kitchen. I clearly remember asking myself, “What the %#$@ is wrong with you?”

I was invaded by confusing thoughts along with another clumsy run in with the sofa. It was on my left side again, and this time I quickly sat down. “Babe something is wrong with me, I’m losing my balance and what I feel is not normal. Take me to the hospital”. She wasted no time calling her mom, going up stairs for my clothes, and even asking doctor google what could possibly be going wrong. At this very moment, my head felt like it was being crushed by some sort of torturing machine. I had lived my entire life not knowing what true pain really felt like, until now.

Size of Bleed…

To learn more about AVM and its effects, you can visit this LINK.

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